Retailers & Meal Kits
8 Auszeichnungen
Best Retailer Marketing Award
Region: Großbritannien
Auszeichnung Führung und Innovation im Einzelhandel
Region: Großbritannien
Das Werte Kalb Belobigung
Region: Großbritannien
Kategorie: Dairy beef; Dairy veal
Status: gegenwärtige Politik
Auszeichnung Supermarkt
Region: Großbritannien
Auszeichnung Supermarkt
Region: Großbritannien
Das Goldene Ei
Region: Großbritannien
Kategorie: Ganze Eier oder Schaleneier; Eiprodukte (Flüssigei oder Eipulver)
Status: Verpflichtung
Auszeichnung Supermarkt
Region: Großbritannien
Auszeichnung Supermarkt
Region: Großbritannien
Das Werte Hähnchen
Region: Großbritannien
Kategorie: Frisches Huhn
Status: Zurückgezogen
In 2010, Sainsbury’s received a Good Chicken Award for committing to source their own brand fresh chicken (within 5 years) to a reduced stocking density of 30kg/m2 (moving down from 38/m2), to provide the birds with enrichment and natural light, and to using a slower-growing breed of bird.
In 2018, Sainsbury’s made the decision to withdraw from their Good Chicken Award commitments, having made little progress on converting to 100% higher welfare fresh chicken.
Today, less than 20% of the fresh chicken Sainsbury’s sell is higher welfare (which includes RSPCA Assured, Free-Range and Organic chicken). All their other chicken is reared to the Red Tractor standard: maximum stocking density 38kg/m², with pecking substrates such as straw bales and the provision of natural light is recommended. Sainsbury’s has retracted their commitments on reducing stocking density from 38kg/m2 to 30kg/m2 and to using a slower-growing breed of chicken.
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