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Sodexo US announces higher welfare broiler policy

News Section Icon Veröffentlicht 23.01.2017

Sodexo, world leader in Quality of Life services, has committed to working with its U.S. suppliers to improve broiler welfare in its supply chain within the next 8 years.

Sodexo's current supplier of broiler chickens plans to eliminate human class antibiotics from its production in 2017.

Over the next eight years to 2024, Sodexo will continue to work with its U.S. suppliers to further improve the welfare of broiler chickens by reaching the following goals for 100% of the chicken it sources:

  • Transitioning to strains of chicken that measurably improve welfare issues associated with fast growth rates per Global Animal Partnership's (GAP) standards.
  • Reducing maximum stocking density to equal to/less than 6 lbs./sq. ft. per GAP standards.
  • Providing chickens with enriched environments including natural light, hay bales, litter, perches and lighting that meet GAP standards.
  • Rendering chickens unconscious prior to shackling using a multi-step controlled atmosphere processing system that's widely hailed as more humane.
  • Providing details on compliance by a third party auditor.

Their progress will be achieved using a collaborative approach with both the supplier and the NGO communities to ensure that the commitments they make can and will be implemented.

"Sodexo has a track record of leveraging their considerable size and buying power to influence positive change for farm animals," said Rachel Dreskin, U.S. Food Business Manager, Compassion in World Farming. "Sodexo's announcement to move to 100% higher welfare broiler chickens over the next 8 years further cements them as a key driver toward a more responsible food and farming system."

Find out more about Compassion’s higher welfare standards for broilers here and read our resources on broiler welfare here.


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